colleen digiacinto registered massage therapist specializing in Motor Vehicle Accident rehabilitation, Pregnancy Massage, Trigger Point Release, Swedish Massage, Cupping Massage, and Table Thai Yoga Massage at Northside Physiotherapy Clinic, Fredericton NB

Registered Massage Therapist Spotlight: Colleen DiGiacinto

pt HealthSpotlight


We love celebrating our amazing clinicians, that’s why spotlights are some of our favourite posts. For us, spotlights are a great chance to introduce our clinic team members, celebrate their accomplishments, and learn a little more about the people that make working at pt Health so great. Today we’re turning the spotlight on Colleen who is celebrating 15-years at pt Health this week!

Name: Colleen DiGiacinto

Education: Kiné Concept Institute, Fredericton, Massage Therapy

Clinic: Northside Physiotherapy Clinic, Fredericton NB

Area of Focus:
In my practice, I help patients recover from motor vehicle accidents. I also focus on providing pregnancy/prenatal massage, trigger point release, Swedish massage, cupping massage, and table Thai yoga massage.

Motto or Personal Mantra: 
I try to make people laugh or smile every day if I’ve done that, then my day is complete. I also keep in mind a quote from Maya Angelou “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

What originally drew you to pt Health?
pt Health bought the clinic I worked at, and I chose to continue on as an employee. I love it as I do not have to worry about deductions and taxes, it just makes my life just that much easier! We have great staff at the clinic to collaborate with, and we make sure to have fun while interacting with our clients and each other. I always find that laughter is the best medicine!

What’s your average day like?
On my busiest of days I treat up to seven people, and on my lightest day, I treat up to five. I make sure to take care of my self as well, taking breaks between clients so that I can get my mind and my room prepped for my next patient. I mostly treat patients that have been in a motor vehicle accident, but I also treat a fair number of pregnant clients as well.  I help patients recover from frozen shoulder, tendinopathies, sprains and strains, and neuropathies.

How long have you worked at pt Health?
I had already been an employee of Northside Physiotherapy for six years since when pt Health bought it. This September I will be celebrating 15 years!!

What is one of your favorite stories of how you helped a patient?
I treated a client for sciatica a number of years ago. The patient only had four or five treatments with me before their pain subsided. She claimed that I was a miracle worker because she was great and pain-free so quickly! I still say that it’s because she did her home-care exercises! Her condition re-occurred about five years later, and she came back to me and said: “well you got rid of it the first time, you can do it again!!”

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I used to Scuba Dive!

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