A Full List of Physical Rehabilitation Services Available via Virtual Care

pt HealthPhysiotherapy, Virtual Care, virtual physiotherapy

We’re living in a new world.

Staying at home has become the new normal across Canada and around the globe. Our regular, day-to-day routines have become filled with mental reminders to wash our hands, keep our distance from others and remain patient in the face of these changes and challenges brought on by COVID-19.

Amongst these changes, as many of our patients are no doubt aware by now, is a switch from in-person, in-clinic physiotherapy treatments to a virtual care model. Even though our clinics are starting to offer in-person care again, virtual care is here to stay.

Please see below for an overview of physical rehabilitation services available via virtual care.

Virtual Care Services at pt Health

Currently, pt Health is able to provide the following services via virtual care:


During a virtual care physiotherapy session, your physiotherapist will ask questions to assess your injury, levels of pain, and progress towards improvement, while helping guide you through the proper exercises for a healthy recovery. Read more about virtual physiotherapy here.

Occupational Therapy Services

Please note: Occupational therapy services are only available from Nova Scotia clinics offering virtual care.

During an occupational therapy session conducted via virtual care, your OT can provide you with an assessment of: 

  • Your fine and gross motor skills
  • Your physical abilities (e.g., strength, balance, coordination)
  • Your mental abilities (e.g., memory, coping strategies, organizational skills)
  • Materials or devices you use to participate in activities (e.g., furniture, utensils, tools or clothes)
  • Social and emotional support available to you at home, school, work or in the community
  • The physical setup of your house, classroom, workplace or other environments

Following an assessment, your OT can also develop recommendations for a holistic treatment plan, which they can follow up on and help instruct you on during future sessions.

Psychology Services

Please note: Psychology services are only available from Nova Scotia clinics offering virtual care.

A psychology session conducted via virtual care consists of a very similar approach as an in-person session, as it is a talk-based practice and has no physical aspect.

Patients simply connect with their practitioner via secure conferencing software on the device of their choice (desktop, laptop, smartphone) and attend their appointment this way.

Chiropractic Care

Please note: Chiropractic care is only available at select pt Health clinics offering virtual care.

Your virtual chiropractic assessment will start off with a detailed inquiry about the nature of the symptoms/complaints you might be experiencing. During a physical exam, your chiropractor will try to diagnose the issue by evaluating your range of motion and through certain orthopedic exam maneuvers.

Treatment usually consists of self-mobilization and pain management techniques, key stretches, and resistance exercises. Through screen sharing, your chiropractor will likely share exercise videos with you and will ask you to perform these exercises to make sure you’re performing them correctly.

Hand Therapy

Please note: Hand therapy is only available from British Columbia clinics offering virtual care.

In a virtual hand therapy session, pt Health practitioners are able to share their significant body of knowledge in:

  • Patient education
  • Individually designed exercises
  • Creative ideas to improve & ease function and provide help with swelling & pain management, both acute and chronic
  • How to help with mobility and strengthening exercises following  immobilization
  • Wound care tips and suggestions to post-surgical patients
  • Management of chronic conditions, such as arthritis flare ups, with help such as joint protection education

Simple household items can be used for exercises, but practitioners are also able to direct clients and advise on exercise equipment, braces, and supports and provide links and information for those supplies.

Book a Virtual Care Session Today

To book a virtual session for any of the above treatments, please visit our virtual care page and call or schedule an appointment online.

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