Central Scarborough Physiotherapy: pt Health’s Newest Clinic in Ontario

pt HealthCompany News


pt Health is pleased to announce the addition of its new clinic in Ontario, the Central Scarborough Physiotherapy Clinic.

Central Scarborough Physio Clinic provides an array of therapeutic programs and services through the combined efforts of competent and certified Physiotherapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Massage Therapists, and Kinesiologists. These services include: Physiotherapy, Hand Therapy, Arthritis Management, Laser Therapy, among other progressive therapy options.

For residents of Scarborough, Ontario who are interested to visit the clinic, Central Scarborough Physiotherapy is conveniently located at 14-2155 Lawrence Avenue East, Scarborough, Ontario.

To book a no obligation appointment or to know more about the services offered at Central Scarborough Physio Clinic, you can call toll free at (416) 755 – 0879 or visit www.ScarboroughPhysio.ptHealth.ca

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