Dr. Mike Manhas, Doctor of Chiropractic at Advantage Health Royal Oak and Castleridge in Edmonton Alberta.

Chiropractor Spotlight: Dr. Mike Manhas

pt HealthSpotlight


We love celebrating our team members and their accomplishments. We’ve said it before, but clinician spotlights are some of our favourite posts. We love talking about our fantastic clinicians because it lets us celebrate their accomplishments, and learn a little more about the people that make working at pt Health so great. Today we’re spotlighting our first Chiropractor and the Regional Director of Operations for Alberta, Dr. Mike Manhas.

Name: Dr. Mike Manhas

Education: BSc Cell Biology and Genetics, Doctor of Chiropractic

Clinic(s): I practice at Advantage Health Royal Oak and Advantage Health Castleridge.

Area of focus:
I focus on wellness care. I really enjoy creating a long-term relationship with my patients. “Prehab” has become a bit of a buzzword, but I truly try to engage with my patients to educate them on being more proactive instead of reactive to their health concerns. But, truth be told, usually, acute care is what brings the patient to me initially!

Motto or Personal Mantra:
Too many! Some of my key ones include:
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do about it.”
“Always put those around you in a position to succeed” (this one is particularly useful for my 3 kids!)
“No one has ever worked for me; they have all worked with me.”

What originally drew you to pt Health?
We were a group of small business owners that were interested in expanding our brand in Calgary and in getting involved with a national player when we joined with pt Health. I am glad we did because pt Health is filled with like-minded individuals that have a similar vision, but that also embrace autonomy in the workplace and allow us to have input into the direction of our teams.

What’s your average day like?
My day usually has 2 parts- I treat patients every day: that is still my passion! I really enjoying meeting new people, hearing their stories, trying to figure out what I can do to contribute to their overall well-being. The second part of my day involves working with the Clinic Team Managers at each of our clinics here in Alberta and providing support, guidance and help strategize and coach our teams to provide exceptional patient care.

How long have you worked at pt Health?
I have been with pt Health for over 6 years now!

What is one of your favourite stories of how you helped a patient?
One of my regular patients who I had not seen for a few months presented with acute low back pain that had developed into a lumbar radiculopathy over a very short period of time. He developed extreme weakness in his leg and could not ambulate (walk or move about) and on the day of assessment had arrived at the office using a cane. This was quite concerning to see a 25-year-old male who was otherwise in very good health. Over a course of 2 months utilizing chiropractic adjustments, McKenzie protocols, myofascial release and a slow but progressive exercise program we began to reduce the leg pain and improve his back pain. Eventually, the leg pain completely subsided and now we continue to treat him for mild stiffness/soreness in his back with a focus on progressing his core/hip stability program.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I was actually a victim of a drive-by shooting when I was 13 yrs old. I was attending a science trip with my Grade 8 class in Vancouver and minding my own business outside of an ice cream shop when a vehicle pulled up to our group and fired shots at us. I was struck in the right arm and fell to the ground. I immediately touched my arm and felt a small divet in the back of my arm where a small amount of blood began dripping out. This is usually where I end the story as I don’t like to mention that the gun I was hit with was actually a BB gun!! (true story!)


If you’re looking to work at an interdisciplinary clinic that offers autonomy, professional development, and growth opportunities, check out our careers page for listings near you. Join the pt Health team!

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