First Virtual Physiotherapy Session? Here’s What to Expect

pt HealthPhysiotherapy, Virtual Care, virtual physiotherapy

Three months into the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, some of us are starting to get used to these changes we’ve been forced to make to our daily routines. 

We’re facing a new normal – or at least, a transition between an old and new normal – and, for the world of physiotherapy, that means that virtual care is here to stay.

If you still haven’t given this new form of treatment a try but are planning on booking a session soon, here are some basic pointers for what to expect for your first virtual physiotherapy appointment.

A Different Form of Treatment Delivery

While the treatments and intended outcomes – i.e., your recovery – are the same, it goes without saying that the delivery of virtual physiotherapy is much different than what you’re used to from a physical appointment in a physiotherapist’s office.

So you might feel a bit strange at first, doing your exercises in front of a screen – that’s to be expected.

But give it time – once you get past that initial strangeness, get into the session and establish a rapport with your practitioner, you may find yourself getting just as much of your virtual appointments as you did your in-person ones in the past.

Some Limitations to Treatments

While we are doing our best to provide our patients with the highest levels of quality care across our spectrum of services, there are unfortunately some forms of treatment for which virtual care is simply unavailable.

This is due to the fact that some services, such as massage therapy, absolutely require a hands-on treatment approach.

As our clinics are able to safely resume in-person treatment, we will begin to offer these treatment services as they are available in accordance with health and safety regulations.

Currently, pt Health is able to provide the following services via virtual care:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy services*
  • Psychology services*
  • Chiropractic care**
  • Hand therapy***

*Occupational therapy and psychology services are only available from Nova Scotia clinics offering virtual care.
**Chiropractic care is only available at select pt Health clinics.
***Hand therapy is only available from British Columbia clinics offering virtual care.

Documentation, Consent & Questions

Prior to your appointment, your practitioner will review your identification, then obtain your consent to participate in the session via the electronic communication platform.

You will also be able to take this opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns about your condition, the exercises you’ll be working through, your progress towards recovery, or anything else you may want to discuss regarding the appointment or your health.

There May Be Technical Issues

One thing to keep in mind regarding a virtual care appointment is that there may be technical issues that cause difficulties between you and your practitioner.

Should this occur and interrupt the appointment to the extent that it cannot be completed, we will work with you to reschedule your virtual care session as soon as possible.

We will provide you with a phone number at which you can reach your physiotherapist in the event that you are disconnected. 

pt Health will have your phone number on file in order to reach you in the event that you are disconnected.

If you are participating in your virtual care session somewhere other than your home, please ensure you inform us of the best method to quickly follow up with you after a disconnection.

The Same Approach to Quality Care

Despite the differences between a virtual physiotherapy appointment and an in-person appointment at a clinic, one thing remains consistent: the approach to quality care that helps you get well & stay well from our compassionate practitioners.

We are all adjusting to this new world of ours, but whether it’s in the clinic or through a computer screen, our practitioners are committed to ensuring all of our patients continue receiving the highest levels of treatment.

Book a Virtual Care Session Today

Now that we’ve laid out what to expect from your first online physiotherapy appointment, why not head over to our virtual care page and book an appointment today?

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