Photo of Susie Smith pelvic health physiotherapist at downtown Calgary clinic Corporate Sport

Physiotherapist Spotlight: Susie Smith

pt HealthPelvic health, Spotlight


At pt Health we have so many phenomenally driven, talented, and ambitious people working at our clinics across the country, that we jump at the chance to give them the spotlight on our blog.Ā For us, these clinician spotlights are a great chance to introduce our team members to the world and provide them with a platform to share what they love most about their careers. Today weā€™re turning the spotlight on Susie Smith, Clinic Team Manager and physiotherapist at CorporateĀ Sport, who is celebrating 5-years at pt Health this year!

You might recognize today’s clinician as the co-author of Ask a Clinician: Kegel Exercises, Everything You Need to Know.

Education: Masters of Science in Physiotherapy (2008), BA Hons Psychology (2005), Acupuncture certification CAFCI (2009) and Certified Manual Therapist (2015). I have additional training and am rostered to perform restricted activities in dry needling, spinal manipulation, pelvic health physiotherapy, pilates, and I can order diagnostic imaging.

Clinic:Ā I work at pt Health Corporate Sport,Ā located in the Husky Tower in downtown Calgary.

Area of Focus
I treat a wide variety of patients, but my primary focus is on orthopedics, sports injuries, pelvic health physiotherapy, acupuncture and dry needling, and manual therapy.

Motto or Personal Mantra
Always think outside the box! Not every patient will respond to the same treatment the same way, and not every challenge in life will have the same solution. Critically thinking has helped me many times with patients and in life.

What originally drew you to pt Health?
I was initially a patient here and really enjoyed the team and the commitment to patient care, and wanted to be a part of it!

Whatā€™s your average day like?
My average workday is a combination of pelvic health patients and orthopedic patients. I’m lucky enough to work with a fantastic multidisciplinary team. I like that we can bounce ideas off each other and work together as a team to get people feeling better.Ā Corporate Sport is a busy clinic, and we have a really fun atmosphere!

How long have you worked at pt Health?
This is my 5th year!

What is one of your favorite stories of how you helped a patient?
I had a patient with low back/sacroiliac pain who wasnā€™t able to climb or participate in sport for weeks before seeing me. He was struggling with his injury as a majority of his social life was relatedĀ to sports and outdoor activity. We saw him for his initial consultation and identified the issue, treated him, and he came back two days later and said: ā€œYou gave me my life back.ā€ It was such a powerful thing to hear, and it still makes me so happy and proud to have been a part of his recovery.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I lived in Australia for over two years and worked in a busy private practice there as well! And married an Australian, bonus šŸ™‚


If you’d like to join the pt Health team at one of our clinics across Canada, check out our careers page for opportunitiesĀ near you.Ā If you’d like to book an appointment with Susie, just click here to get started.

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