pt Health honours the fallen Moncton RCMP officers.

pt HealthCommunity Involvement

On June 4, 2014, three RCMP officers were killed in the line of duty in Moncton.

Cst Fabrice George Gevauden, Cst Dave Ross, and Cst Douglas James Larche leave behind families who now have to figure out how life works without them, both emotionally and financially.

pt Health was deeply impacted by this tragedy, particularly because we have two clinic locations in Moncton. We wanted to give back โ€“ somehow โ€“ in the face of this tragedy. So clinics in the east coast started a campaign.

Until July 18, only staff who have made a donation to the Moncton Fallen RCMP Members Fund are allowed to wear jeans on casual Friday. In addition, all pt Health clinics on the east coast are accepting donations at the clinic from patients. On July 18, these donations will be collected and pt Health will make a contribution to the fund on behalf of all our patients.

If you want to donate, please cut and paste this URL into your browser:

You can also send your donation in the mail to the following address:

RCMP Foundation, 203-2460 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, ON K1B 4S5.

Cheques should be made out to The RCMP Foundation with Moncton Fallen RCMP Members Fund.

Our east coast clinics show their support.

Our east coast clinics show their support.







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