Photograph of Travis Steele, registered massage therapist at Thorold Physiotherapy.

Registered Massage Therapist Spotlight: Travis Steele

pt HealthSpotlight


At pt Health, we love introducing our great team members and giving them a platform to share what they love about their careers. With so many fascinating, ambitious, and dedicated people at pt health it can be hard to choose who to spotlight next! But today we’re turning our spotlight on Travis, a registered massage therapist and Clinic Team Manager at Thorold Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, in Thorold, Ontario. Travis’ dedication to his work and fun loving nature is truly contagious.

Name: Travis Steele

Education: Bachelor of Physical Education from Brock University and a Diploma in Massage Therapy from Canadian Therapeutic College.

Clinic: Thorold Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Area of focus: The diversity of my job is one of the things I enjoy most so it’s hard for me to narrow down a specific area of focus. However, a lot of my additional training has focused on myofascial release.

Personal Mantra: “Be Excellent to Each Other” Bill S. Preston Esq.

What originally drew you to pt Health?
Before 2007, I was working in a typical massage therapy clinic. While the people were great, it wasn’t really the environment I saw myself in for the rest of my career. Then, I had a chance to be involved in the opening of the Thorold Clinic. I enjoyed the idea of being part of something new, being able to grow my career, and most of all it satisfied my desire to be part of a multidisciplinary team. About five years ago I was happy to assume the role of Clinic Team Manager (CTM) at Thorold.

What’s your average day like?
My days can be busy and varied; I think my record for the number of massages in a day is 14. My youngest patient is 8, and my oldest is 91. I enjoy the stories they all tell. My time between treatments is spent wearing my CTM hat. It can be challenging, but I do my best to be as available as I can to my team while also being available to my patients. When I’m not treating patients, I like to have fun in the day so during lunch, or if a free moment presents itself, I am challenging my co-workers to a game of 20 questions or commenting on the latest YouTube Clip.

How long have you worked at pt Health?
This past January was my ten year Anniversary!

What is one of your favourite stories of how you helped a patient?
It’s hard for me to pick because I have so many stories, I think it has a lot to do with the nature of being an RMT, we are awarded so much one on one time with patients, and that really makes an impression. But, I recall a motor vehicle accident patient whose accident really shook him both physically and emotionally. He had whiplash and a low back strain, but also anxiety about being out in the world. Through some patient work, I can now say that he is a happy Grandfather of three. Another patient I remember had just got out of an abusive relationship and literally step one was having a massage, and I got to see her take steps towards a “healthy” life. Lastly, more recently I walked into our local yoga studio only to have a patient shout “that’s the guy that cured my headaches!” That made an impression on the friend I was with!

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I love to travel. I’ve been to over 20 countries in five continents. I have been to the top of Mt Kilimanjaro and the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I’ve hiked with the Apes in Uganda and paddled the Amazon in Peru. I also had the chance to massage some members of the Tragically Hip early in my career. Happy 150 Canada!

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
It’s a bit cliché but family and friends for sure. At the end of the day, it’s them that make my life. I’m incredibly lucky in Thorold to work with a group I call my friends and that makes coming to work a joy.


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