Surrey Physiotherapy and Newton Physiotherapy Launch New Core X Program

pt HealthCompany News

corexAside from offering the latest rehabilitation programs and services, two Surrey PT Health Clinics are now offering another innovative physiotherapy program called the Core X System.

The Core X System was developed by the Athletic Performance Coordinator of the LA Lakers and physical therapist Alex McKechnie. Originally designed for top athletes and sports people for the treatment of osteitis pubis and sports hernia, the system was then modified to help “strengthen and beautify the bodies of everyday people”. However, this system is not only for those who want to lose weight and tone their bodies, more importantly, it is also for patients with lumbar spine pain, shoulder problems, weak hip/glutes as well as for overall body strengthening and conditioning.

The system works by enhancing trunk muscle recruitment as well as improving proprioceptive stimulus. It also helps in building “core neutral posture” and eases core contraction during functional postures and movements. In addition, it provides a unique process of integration of core stability to correct movement impairments of the upper and lower extremities of the body. The core X program targets all major muscle groups during therapy sessions, which help enable the patient to benefit from the program faster.

The staff at both Surrey Physiotherapy and Newton Physiotherapy will be more than happy to assist patients in implementing the program. Staff at both PT Health clinics have attended Core X System intensive training programs and are qualified to help patients with the program.

To schedule a free consultation please call toll free at (866) 749 – 7461 or visit or

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