UFC 129 Winner Claude “The Prince” Patrick and his pt Health Connection

pt HealthMiscellaneous

Dr. Paul Biondich

Claude Patrick, better known as The Prince to his fans, went to the UFC 129 event not as a martial artist, but as a fighter set to win.

To help him achieve the form he needed for the upcoming bout, The Prince enlisted the expertise of Dr. Paul Biondich, of pt Health. More than being a massage therapist, nutritionist, and chiropractor, he is also a big fan of mixed martial arts. As a matter of fact, he has pictures with MMA stars of the likes of Randy Couture posted on his office wall.

Patrick gets together with Dr. Biondich two times a week for 45 minutes of massage. This is to assist in breaking down scar tissue to facilitate smooth motion. As Dr. Biondich puts it, the body is like a Formula One car. Changing the oil and stripping the engine dramatically improve your chances of getting to the finish line ahead of the rest. So train your body like an F1 car, but remember to care for it too.

Read The Full Toronto Star Article Here

Learn More About Dr. Biondich and Services Offered Here

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