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We Answer the Most Googled Physiotherapy Questions

pt HealthAsk a Clinician


According to Google, โ€œone in 20 Google searches are for health-related information.โ€ Thatโ€™s not a surprising statistic, after all, weโ€™ve all done it. Google is increasingly becoming our first stop in gathering relevant health information. From small aches and pains to more pressing concerns. Here weโ€™ll answer the most Googled questions about Physiotherapy.

Is physiotherapy covered by OHIP?

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan also known as OHIP does cover physiotherapy care. To qualify for OHIP funded physiotherapy treatments you need to meet specific requirements. If you fall under any of the following criteria you could qualify for OHIP covered physical therapy care:

  • You are aged 65 or over
  • You are 19 years old or younger
  • You have had an overnight hospital stay within in the last 12 months
  • On Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or Ontario Works
  • You are a refugee, on ODSP or Ontario Works without a health card

Find more details about OHIP covered physiotherapy and to find an OHIP clinic near you, click here.

Is physiotherapy worth it?

The short answer is yes, physio is worth it. Countless studies have shown physiotherapy to be effective in treating musculoskeletal disorders, pain, injury, and more. The musculoskeletal system includes your joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons, and the structures that support your limbs, neck, and back.

Is physiotherapy painful?

Many patients shy away from physical therapy treatment because they are scared it might hurt. You can rest easy, for the most part, physiotherapy is not painful. However, some patients may experience some initial discomfort, especially when stretching in ways the body is unaccustomed to. As you progress in care, this discomfort subsides. If anything, physiotherapy can help alleviate chronic and acute pain in as little as three visits.

Are physiotherapists doctors?

In Canada, physiotherapists are primary-care providers, meaning they can assess you, order imaging and other tests, and provide care. Physiotherapists undergo 6 or more years of undergraduate and postgraduate training. Physiotherapists work in many areas including cardio-respiratory, orthopedics, neurology, paediatrics, womenโ€™s health, seniorsโ€™ health, and sports.

What do physiotherapists do?

Physiotherapists are trained healthcare providers that focus on musculoskeletal conditions in both children and adults. They are skilled at assessing and treating many conditions including but not limited to:

Physiotherapists are also trained in rehabilitation and can help patients recover from:

As always, if youโ€™re experiencing pain or discomfort and think physiotherapy might be right for you, find a clinic near you and book an appointment.

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