PT Health Helps Family In Belize Build New Home

pt HealthCommunity Involvement Leave a Comment

pthealth belizeFor ten days last November, a handful of executives from PT Health and CMV Financial ventured to the town of Unitedville, Belize to volunteer their efforts to help build a house for a family there.  After all, Ty Pennington and his group at Extreme Home Makeovers arenโ€™t the only ones who help families in need, and PT Health was proud to participate in the project to build a home for a woman and her eight children who desperately needed a home.

PT Health executives and a representative from CMV Financial traveled to Belize to offer their muscles, skills and ideas to provide a secure home for a woman whose house was literally falling down around her. The structure, lacking most of the roof and a floor that was caving in, was in dire need of shelter for herself and her children.

PT Health takes pride in their ability to support community efforts and was happy to volunteer. โ€œThis was an awesome opportunity to share with the family and community that lacks basic needs in life. We are so very fortunate in Canada and this trip has allowed me to share some of my time and resources with a poor community in Belize,โ€ said Patti Jo Park, A PT pthealth patti jo parkHealth executive.

PT Health also took advantage of the opportunity to help others and paid a visit to a local school, where they provided children with a โ€˜hot dog dayโ€™.

The 500 schoolchildren certainly enjoyed the hot dogs as well as gifts and toiletries provided by PT Health. In addition, books were donated to the after-school learning center, and older kids were taken out for an evening of pop and pizza.

Opportunities to provide support and help communities throughout Canada offer organizations like PT Health the chance to take part in community actions that improve quality of life and offer support to those in need.

belize-dscf9219The individuals from PT Health and CMV Financial experienced for themselves the joy of pitching in to help others and saw firsthand how volunteers joining together for a common cause can change the face of the community and have a huge impact on the recipients.

PT Health is happy to say that Ms. Valentina and her eight children are exceedingly happy in their new home.









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