pt Health & Three To Be: Working Together to Help Make a Difference

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pt health donationIt is our responsibility to make the future bright for our children, and to help them achieve their full potentials. We can all make a difference. pt Health has responded to the urgent call for corporate social responsibility by donating $37,500 to Three To Be, an organization that aims to help children with neurological disorders.

Presented by pt Healthโ€™s Chief Executive Officer Varoujan Basmadjian on March 1st, 2011, the money donated will help support and advance laboratory and clinical research programs for the development of therapies and treatments.

Three To Be Initiatives:

โ€œDisorders and diseases of the brain represent one of the largest unmet medical needs in Canada and amongst those, childhood neurological disorders are perhaps the most-neglected. This is particularly surprising since this group of disorders, which ranges from cerebral palsy to Downs syndrome to autism, hits the most vulnerable individuals in our society, our children. There is a pressing need for research aimed at understanding how and why these disorders occur, and at coming up with potential new therapies.

Unfortunately, this need has largely been unheeded by most Canadian foundations and funding agencies. There is very little advocacy for research and therapies for the broad field of childhood neurological disorders โ€“ a gap that pt Health hopes to help fill by supporting Three To Be. There is tremendous hope amongst those who work on these disorders that we can find and put into practice new therapeutic strategies that will make a difference.

By working together and bridging gaps, we can make a difference today for our children and for our future.

To learn more about Three To Be, visit www.

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